Realreal Moms: Throwback Style, Timeless Advice
For some, looking at vintage mom photos never gets old. There she is, behind sepia tones or the fuzzy grain of film photography, looking younger, perhaps in the prime of her personal style, proving why fashion is always returning to decades past for inspiration (hello ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s). How did she look so cool? And, importantly, where is that vintage dress now? Some are also lucky enough to be able to raid their moms’ closets for the amazing pieces that have inevitably come back into style, but the real gems are the pieces of advice doled out by women who have seen trends come and go and who have carved out a style all their own. To celebrate Mother’s Day, we asked team TRR to share their favorite mom snapshots and style advice and got everything from pearl necklaces to pearls of wisdom.
Kate Bowles Smith, Lead Jewelry Authenticator
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What’s the best piece of style advice your mom ever gave you?
In my own words: That an outfit is much sexier when you leave something to the imagination.
What does the outfit she is wearing in the photo say about her or reveal about her style?
My mom loves a neutral color (her favorite color is beige) and a sleek line. It really highlights her natural beauty and allows her confidence to shine through.
If money were no object, what would you buy her for Mother’s Day?
Probably a pair of diamond stud earrings to replace the ones I lost while water skiing when I was 12.
Hayley Purse, Associate Merchandising Manager
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What’s the best piece of style advice your mom ever gave you?
I have two:
1. Invest, invest, invest!
2. Having style is wearing what makes you feel most confident. Trends will come and go, but confidence lasts forever.
What does the outfit she is wearing in the photo say about her or reveal about her style?
My mother’s style is classic and colorful. She is elegant, but always finds a way to make her outfits “light and fun.”
If money were no object, what would you buy her for Mother’s Day?
A trip to Paris, complete with shopping & front row seats to the French Open!
Vanessa Motley, Sr. Director of Customer Service & Consignor Relations
Get The Look: Shop Polka Dots
What’s the best piece of style advice your mom ever gave you?
She is known in her friend group as the “Queen Diva” so that’s her mindset when she gets dressed every day. Her advice is that it’s always better to be over-dressed than under-dressed, and when in doubt adding a red lip can spice up any outfit!
What does the outfit she is wearing in the photo say about her or reveal about her style?
She loves a good print/pattern (in this case polka dots!). She is, and always has been, the life of the party and it shows in how she styles herself every day – bright colors, bold patterns, and head-to-toe coordination! From her earrings to her clothing to her shoes and handbags, she is always intentional about every element of her style.
If money were no object, what would you buy her for Mother’s Day?
If it’s non-fashion related, a pool! She has been wanting to host summer parties in her backyard and a pool feels like the perfect accessory.
Anne Greenwald, Head of Retail & Expert Recruitment
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What’s the best piece of style advice your mom ever gave you?
Dressing modestly in the workplace will ensure people listen to what you say.
What does the outfit she is wearing in the photo say about her or reveal about her style?
She likes to have fun, remain youthful and relevant, but is overall inspired by the classics and clean lines.
If money were no object, what would you buy her for Mother’s Day?
A new Cartier Tank watch to replace the one she gave me for my birthday that was her push present when I was born.
Sydney Davies, Freelance Stylist & Photographer
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