Photo by Nick Onken
This Is How Stacy London Gets out Of a Style Rut
Fashion Assistant at Vogue. Celebrity stylist. Senior Fashion Editor at Mademoiselle. Co-host of the TLC’s What Not To Wear. New York Times bestselling author of The Truth About Style. Stacy London may not have one job title, but if she did, it could be ‘beacon of style advice.’ With her upbeat, fashion-for-everyone attitude and eye for transforming people’s style to say what they want it to say (instead of what they often mistakenly think it says), London has been responsible for making over the way many of us think about personal style. And now, you can shop pieces from her very own closet (with proceeds benefitting the Glam4Good charity, no less). Read on to find out which philosopher influenced her aesthetic, her tips on getting out of a wardrobe rut, editing your closet and more, then head over to her curated sale to shop what to wear.
You’ve helped so many people figure out ‘What Not To Wear.’ Is there one piece of advice that sums up what people usually need to hear?
The one piece of advice I give everyone now is to make sure that want you want your clothing to say ACTUALLY SAYS that. In other words, you need to be self-aware. You need to understand that you have the power to transmit a message that is then not lost in translation on others.

You have a degree in philosophy and literature. Is there a philosopher who really informed your thinking and has philosophy influenced your style?
Kant. For sure. The Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics.
What’s the best way to get out of a style rut?
Get out of it. Try a new color scarf, new sunglasses or a different shade of lipstick. It doesn’t have to be a complete overhaul. Or play a game with yourself. See if you can make 3 entirely new outfits with clothing you already own and maybe one new piece.

What’s your take on trends? There’s some debate about whether they even exist anymore. Do you incorporate them into your wardrobe and styling?
I don’t care about trends because they are in my face every season whether I like them or not. All retailers all offer up some version of what’s trendy. For me, the originality comes in the way we put pieces together, the surprise when two pieces you didn’t think could work together, do. And of course not every trend is for every person so it’s pointless to chase them. If it works for you, by all means, go ahead. Wear a trend. But being trendy will never define YOUR PERSONAL style.
What’s something you never thought you would wear that you’ve found yourself wearing?
A lot of oversized jumpsuits. I’m obsessed with the ones from Ilana Kohn.
How often do you edit your closet?
At least 4 times a year, but I can get OCD about it.
What’s your advice for paring down your wardrobe?
Depends where you are in life. Some people feel that more is more. Right now, I’m working hard to pair down to essentials. I’m kind of done with a huge wardrobe. It doesn’t suit me anymore.