Real Travels: Krystal Bick’s Guide to Jamaica
It only seems fitting as we’re about to bid summer adieu, that I share photos from what has quickly become my favorite trip of the season for my second Real Style, Real Travels installment. Oh, Jamaica. Where to start? To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. While I love lounging on beaches and sipping on tropical drinks, I’m much more of the go, go, go type when it comes to vacations (you can read about my trips to London and New Zealand here for reference). Basically, what it boils down to is that I’m really bad at sitting still for too long. But this trip? Well, let’s just say I’m a believer now.
Usually, when I reflect back on vacations to eventually write about for my blog, I like to make a list of all the things I miss about my particular stay there. Here’s the condensed version of what I wrote on my return flight back from Jamaica.
Morning swims in the Caribbean Sea.
Breakfasts out on my room patio at the Round Hill Resort.
Dirty banana cocktail, made by Marcel the bartender.
Canopy beds that catch the breeze just right when you’re settling in for the evening. Dinner conversations that lasted into the early morning hours (we were usually the last table to leave).
Paddleboarding. Kayaking. Ziplining. River rafting. (No sitting still for me!)
Interior decor designed by Ralph Lauren himself.
Hammock time. Enough said.
Farm to table meals. Roadside coconuts.
Late night infinity pool sessions.
Living in cut offs.