Luxury Consignment in NYC
For the next installment in our Luxury Consignment series, we’re hopping coasts to share a look into the enviable closet of New York City lifestyle expert Lindsi Lane. Over the past few years, Lane has been keeping her collection of Christian Louboutin, Céline, Chanel and Valentino perfectly edited for her busy, fashion-filled life with the help of Senior Luxury Manager Lisa Myers. We tagged along on a recent White Glove appointment at Lane’s impeccably styled apartment as the pair went down the ‘keep or consign’ checklist for some covetable pieces in Lane’s wardrobe. Keep reading to see how she knows when something no longer makes the cut, who she considers her style icons and a breakdown of her favorite designers for leather jackets, investment shoes, formal wear and more.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a style/lifestyle expert and the founder of the “It girl’s online go-to,” lindsiinthefastlane.com. I am currently in the middle of a big rebrand of a totally new site and concept that will be launching shortly…very exciting!
How would you describe your style?
My style is very temperamental! I dress for my mood. No matter what though, I am a mix of girly/edgy with a modern, classic twist on polished refinement.
Is your wardrobe minimal or maximal?
My wardrobe is pretty extensive so I would say for sure maximal! However, I love to consign and clean out as much as I can to cleanse my mind and closet. I also like to keep a tight edit of my wardrobe which makes it more special and unique.
How often do you consign?
I always do it before the beginning of a new season, but I also find myself wanting to consign when too much clutter is starting to happen — hence keeping a tight edit. I hate a cluttered closet more than anything, so at any given moment Lisa could get an email from me asking her to come over and play in my closet.
What is a typical consignment appointment like for you?
The process is really fun and easy since I have been working with Lisa for years. It’s like having a friend come over to play in your closet and help you make money in the process! What’s better than that?
How do you decide what to keep and what to consign?
I am great at letting things go that I have gotten a lot of use out of, so I am pretty much the perfect client for The RealReal. Of course, there are certain things I will never get rid of because they hold a special place in my heart, but for the most part, I want someone else to enjoy the item that I am okay to part with and send on its next fashionable journey. Sometimes I have the pieces ready to consign and sometimes I need to be persuaded by Lisa. We go back and forth all the time on whether I should consign certain things or not. In the end though, no matter what, I always feel comfortable with what I have let go.
Who are your favorite designers?
This is always such a tough question as I have such a broad range of pieces in my closet, but specifically I love Balenciaga and Rick Owens for leather jackets, Giambattista Valli and Marchesa for formal wear, Alaïa is a guilty pleasure of mine for investment shoes, and I love Cushnie Et Ochs and Jonathan Simkhai for evening wear. Their designs are me to a tee in every way possible.
Do you purchase items knowing that you will later consign them? How has it changed the way you shop?
I don’t think about getting rid of an item right when I buy it, but if something is too trendy and I’m interested in purchasing it, it’s a good feeling to know when you’re ready to get rid of it, you can consign it down the line and make a little money back.
Who are your style icons?
I love Jane Birkin and Brigitte Bardot. I also love Blake Lively and Olivia Palermo. They can do no wrong.
What’s your advice for smart consigning?
I would say to ask yourself these important questions: When did you buy it? How much have you worn it? When is the last time you wore it? Will you wear it again? Your answers will make it clear for you whether you should consign!
Favorite thing about consigning with The RealReal?
The RealReal is so convenient and makes consigning a pleasurable experience. I look forward to cleansing my closet and seeing Lisa every time I make an appointment with her. It becomes a relationship where you bond over fashion, which in my opinion is one of the best kinds of relationships.
What is something that surprised you about consigning?
How much money you can actually make on mint designer items you own and just how convenient it truly is!
How long does a normal appointment last?
That totally depends on how much I am willing to consign but for the most part, no longer than an hour.
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