Introducing Like2buy: the Only Way to Shop Instagram!

Words by Jody Hume | 2.10.15


Sometimes Instagram can be as frustrating as it is inspiring — you can double tap all you want, but you still have to take to the Internet to track down those Prada pumps or that limited edition handbag. Not anymore. We’re introducing Like2Buy so that you can instantly shop the coveted items in our feed and easily link to stories, style guides and authentication expertise on RealStyle. We’ll be posting exclusive product only available on Instagram, so be sure to follow us  @therealreal. When you see something you like, simply click the link in our profile to buy or read more!

Chanel Mirror Insta

Here’s how easy it is:
  1. Follow us on Instagram @therealreal.
  2. When you see something you like in our feed, click the link in our profile.
  3. Select the image you want to shop.
  4. Add it to your cart!

Hermes Box InstaYurman Insta

Honoring heritage brands and extending the lifecycle of luxury items.