Shop Picks Inspired by Our Chief Merchant’s Chic, Kid-friendly Sf Home
Our Chief Merchant Rati Sahi Levesque is living proof that you don’t have to sacrifice style — your own or your home’s — when kids come into the picture. The ladies behind Mother Mag obviously think the same thing, and they’re experts at all things mom, child and style related. They featured Rati and her two kids, Ruk and Diya, at home in SF for one of their latest shoots. Below, get inspired with some of our favorite shots and her Q&A on her mom icons and work life after kids, plus shop her curated edit of home decor and art pieces to get her aesthetic.
How would you describe the aesthetic of your home?
Our house definitely has classical elements, which we balance with modern art and furniture that I find on The RealReal home and art and also shopping at estate sales. The kitchen is rustic, the parlors are classical, and the decor is a range of vintage and modern. I tend to be fickle with furnishings and am always moving things around and changing things up, which is why we searched for the perfect white paint so it would always work with our changing art and furniture.
What are your thoughts on kid stuff taking over your space? Is every room a playroom or do you try to keep it corralled?
I am OK with kids’ stuff around, you have to be or you will go crazy! It was first just in our living room and their bedroom and now they took over the dining room with their art supplies. I just try and mix in pretty pieces when I can!
Tell us about your kids’ room.
They share a room and I really just wanted to make sure there was a big rug and lots of pillows since we play on their floor a lot as a family.
What are some of your fave pieces in it?
IKEA chairs and a fish painting over my son Ruk’s bed with the letter my niece wrote before he was born that said “I wonder what you are going to look like – I love you Ruk.” In a few short words she was able to capture everything I was feeling for the 9 months prior.
Tell us the names/age of both kids, are their any special meanings there?
Ruk, 3 years old, means gold in Hindi. Diya, 1, means light
Do you have any mom icons, either celebrities or real women you know?
My mom – she really takes care of all of us. My husband and I are so lucky to have her. She has given me the opportunity to follow my own career goals while still having my own family and not feeling guilty about it. Women never get that opportunity, I know she didn’t have it for herself. My mother-in-law is amazing as well. She is strong and independent and raised two of the most amazing people I know.
Has your view of work changed after having your kids?
It has made me more ambitious than ever, wanting to be a good role model for them, and give them as many opportunities as I can.
What have been the keys, in your eyes, to working in a startup environment and raising your kids?
My mom (again) is my secret weapon! I would never have been able to do this without her.
How would you describe your personal style?
My wardrobe always changes but I guess my style is fairly consistent: simple shapes, neutral colors or small prints, and luxurious fabrics.
How has working at The RealReal changed/added to your style/shopping habits?
I am more likely to buy-up knowing that what I buy has resale value and I can make on average 50% back. That’s the interesting thing about The RealReal – it changes the way people shop and think about the items they have in their closet.
What do you love most about raising your kid in SF?
The accessibility to museums, parks, and restaurants. There’s countless things to do! We spend a lot of time at Golden Gate park on the weekends.
Head over to Mother Mag for the full feature, then shop Rati’s edit here.
Photos by Maria Del Rio for Mother