This Sound Meditation Healer Is Teaching Us All To Just Breathe
Many of us are feeling a sense of whiplash from the sudden change in our lives. As we practice social distancing and manage child care, work deadlines, or the stress of not working at all, it may feel like we don’t even have the space to just simply breathe. But as meditation teacher Manjit Devgun says, now, more than ever, is the time to turn inward.
Devgun stopped our phone conversation about the news and our collective anxiety and implored me to just place a hand on my heart. Inhale, exhale, she said. Deep breathing is a significant way to recharge when I feel the stress of the day mounting. The British-born meditation teacher explained that the heart and the belly are places where we carry a lot of the stress in our bodies. I couldn’t help but feel grateful to get some spiritual guidance from an in-demand healer during a global health crisis. Devgun can usually be found practicing breathwork, energy healing, and palm reading for private and corporate clients.
The NY-based healer was kind enough to offer us a guided meditation and plenty of advice on how to gain a sense of community, release physical stress with a virtual dance party, and how to remember to take time for ourselves.
Read on to learn more of Devgun’s advice to get through this time and be sure to check out her guided meditation, exclusive to The RealReal.
What To Do Now
“I suggest more deep breathing exercises. You can calm the spirit just by placing your hands on the belly or heart. This is a great way to instantly connect the mind and body and invite the nervous system to put the body into healing mode. Meditation is something that many people are practicing now and something that can help many get through this challenging time. But some people are so panicked that meditation is too much for them and they need to start with just deep breathing.”
Lean On Your Community
“Check on your neighbors. Reach out to two or three friends every day to let them know you are thinking of them. Be especially thoughtful of those who are alone and don’t have close family as well as those who are older and more vulnerable and may need help getting essentials.”
Take This As A Team-Building Exercise
“If you have a conference call you can create a bonding moment with your team by starting a ‘Fashion Friday’ for a video meeting. Use this opportunity to get to know your co-workers better by discussing your guilty pleasures during lockdown mode. Initiate team bonding no matter what your position is at a company. Start looking internally and using this time to change your whole mindset. At this time I’m encouraging everyone to dream, use visualization, and manifest in meditation.”
The Healing Power Of A Dance Party
“I am a huge fan of creating community with a dance party session. It’s important to do things out of your comfort zone to shake off the physical stress and change our energy. I was so swamped last week and finally had Sunday evening off, so I danced to D-Nice’s DJ instagram live set and it felt so good reading all the comments and seeing my friends online, all dancing, cooking and bonding. Dancing is healing. Also there is a Houseparty app and it’s nice to have a weekly check in with friends where I can dance, meditate, compare cooking notes, dress up and have wine. There are so many fun themes to think of. Let’s get creative here.”
Etching Out Time For You
“But the most important thing is self care. Many of us are working harder and with more responsibility of multitasking with family and children. I believe in scheduling a block of time for me. This week it’ll be on Sunday between 5-11pm. I don’t look at my phone or answer texts or watch TV. I take an epsom salt bath with beautiful music, meditate, and write down my intentions for the next week. It’s a total reset time which has really helped me the past two weeks.”