Whether you’re considering consigning for the first time or a regular seller, there’s likely a particular item that’s given you style anxiety — is it time to let it go? With savvy advice to help you figure out what’s ready to consign, enter Tiffany Reid, Allure’s Market Editor. Her work is essentially a form of shopping and, as such, she’s had lots of time to devise strategies for figuring out when it’s time to say good-bye.
Tiffany Reid
Consign it if . . .
You haven’t worn it within a year and never wore it regularly.
There’s a wise caveat to common rules about consigning pieces you haven’t worn in a set amount of time: “If you haven’t touched a piece in years and only wore it a handful of times to begin with, it’s time to let go.” If something ticks both boxes (not worn recently or frequently), it’s definitely ready for consigning.
It would be easy to replace.
If you’re wavering about whether to consign something, proceed if it would be easy to replace in the future. Reid thinks twice about selling one-of-a-kind items or vintage, but is quick to cycle through items she could easily find again. A classic LBD or tailored blazer? Sell without fear, since finding a new one in the future will be simple.
It doesn’t fit with who you are now.
“Be honest with the person you’re becoming. When I’m consigning, I’m brought back to certain periods in my life and have to think, ‘Am I still that person? Do I ever want to be that person again?'” Reid explains, pointing to a clutch of short cocktail dresses she sold. “My party-girl years gave me some of the best memories ever, but I’ll never be that person again.”
You want something new.
If you’re torn on whether or not it’s time for something to move on, compare it to whatever item you’re currently eyeing. If you find the new purchase is more appealing, consign your current item and move forward. “I’m consigning constantly and use what I make as my shopping money,” Reid shares.
Have some items that check off one or more of these boxes? Get started consigning here.